
new Cesium.TerrainData()

单个瓦片的地形数据。 此类型描述一个接口,不打算直接实例化。


credits : Array.<Credit>


waterMask : Uint8Array|Image|Canvas

包含在地形数据中的water mask,如果有的话。 Water mask是一个矩形Uint8Array或图像,其中值为255表示水,值为0表示陆地。 0到255之间的值也可以平滑地(smoothly)混合在陆地和水之间。


interpolateHeight(rectangle, longitude, latitude)Number

Name Type Description
rectangle Rectangle The rectangle covered by this terrain data.
longitude Number 经度(以弧度为单位)
latitude Number 纬度(以弧度为单位)
指定位置的地形高度。 If the position is outside the rectangle, this method will extrapolate the height, which is likely to be wildly incorrect for positions far outside the rectangle.

isChildAvailable(thisX, thisY, childX, childY)Boolean

Determines if a given child tile is available, based on the TerrainData#childTileMask. The given child tile coordinates are assumed to be one of the four children of this tile. If non-child tile coordinates are given, the availability of the southeast child tile is returned.
Name Type Description
thisX Number The tile X coordinate of this (the parent) tile.
thisY Number The tile Y coordinate of this (the parent) tile.
childX Number The tile X coordinate of the child tile to check for availability.
childY Number The tile Y coordinate of the child tile to check for availability.
True if the child tile is available; otherwise, false.

upsample(tilingScheme, thisX, thisY, thisLevel, descendantX, descendantY, descendantLevel)Promise.<TerrainData>|undefined

Upsamples this terrain data for use by a descendant tile.
Name Type Description
tilingScheme TilingScheme The tiling scheme of this terrain data.
thisX Number The X coordinate of this tile in the tiling scheme.
thisY Number The Y coordinate of this tile in the tiling scheme.
thisLevel Number The level of this tile in the tiling scheme.
descendantX Number The X coordinate within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling.
descendantY Number The Y coordinate within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling.
descendantLevel Number The level within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling.
A promise for upsampled terrain data for the descendant tile, or undefined if too many asynchronous upsample operations are in progress and the request has been deferred.


Gets a value indicating whether or not this terrain data was created by upsampling lower resolution terrain data. If this value is false, the data was obtained from some other source, such as by downloading it from a remote server. This method should return true for instances returned from a call to TerrainData#upsample.
True if this instance was created by upsampling; otherwise, false.